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Current news at PWCF & what’s new with Prader-Willi syndrome.
PWCF Creates New Conservatorship Tools
What is Conservatorship? Why do we need it? When do we need it? How do we get it? These are just a few of the questions answered in PWCF's new tool, Conservatorship FAQs. New Federal Rules and Regulations make it
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Annual State Conference November 2, 2019
PWCF's Annual Conference was a success! Thank you to everyone who attended. Check out our facebook page for pictures. Read more about the conference here..
Two New PWS Behavior Management Training Conferences!
PWCF adds more dates and locations for the training seminar, PWS Behavior Management: Proven Strategies from Childhood thru Adulthood September 8 in San Diego | September 15 in Millbrae/San Francisco PWS Behavior Management Conference The behavioral
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We're proud to announce that we are once again an Official Charity for the JetBlue Long Beach Marathon. We're excited to be participating for the 4th year in the 2019 Jet Blue Long Beach Marathon! PWCF challenges you to join TeamPWCF
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PWCF’s 19th Annual Walking for PWS Events!
PWCF's 19th Annual Walking for Prader-Willi Syndrome Click Here to visit our Walk Page! Southern California: May 19 at El Dorado East Regional Park - Golden Grove, Long Beach Northern California: June 1 at Little Marina Green, San Francisco San
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Start the New Year Right! Attend a PWS Behavior Management Conference Near You!
PWS Behavior Management: Proven Strategies for Childhood Through Adulthood We want you to start the year off right so we're bringing a PWS Behavior Management Conference near you! PWS is a unique developmental disability. You need to know specific strategies
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Be a Shining Star in 2018
PWCF Wishes our Members, Professionals, and Supporters A Wonderful Holiday Season and a Happy New Year! Be a Shining Star this year to brighten the way to fulfill our mission; Support the 2018 Shining Star Campaign. Your tax-deductible gift means
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New Tools to Ensure Your Adult’s Safety!
New rules and regulations significantly affect adults with disabilities who receive Federal funding for residential services (group homes and supported living services), day programs, and vocational work sites. Arguably the most significant provision is that “individuals have freedom and support to control
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New Tool To Help You Get School Services!
PWCF developed a new tool to help you get the supports and services your child needs to be safe and successful at school. Your IEP Team typically needs justification and documentation before it will provide the supports you're requesting, so PWCF
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