PWS Behavior Management Live Webinar Authorized to Offer 4 Hours ARF CEUs!

2022-08-30T15:36:21-08:00June 4th, 2020|

PWCF is now authorized by the Department of Social Services to offer Adult Residential Facility providers Continuing Education Units. The 2020 PWS Behavior Management Training Series, Change IS Possible, offers ARF providers 4 hours of CEUs for attendance at an In-Person conference or a Live Webinar. Training Slides are available in Spanish.  Register today for the Live Webinar on September

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Thank you, Jason!

2022-08-30T15:36:16-08:00May 22nd, 2020|

We would like to share our sincere gratitude and appreciation for Jason Huck, who has completed his trek through the Andean Volcano region in Ecuador, raising $5,051.44 for PWS in the process! Jason dedicated his trek to his nephew Pablo and to raising awareness for PWS. Below is a quote from his sister-in-law, Diana. "Dear Jason- Thank you very much

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Save the Date! Annual State Conference November 7, 2020

2022-08-30T15:36:27-08:00April 21st, 2020|

Our conference will be provided in a virtual format this year. Save the date today and be on the lookout for more information in the coming months! Join us for insight into important topics such as: • Sleep Issues in PWS, with Althea Shelton MD, Sleep Medicine Specialist at the Vanderbilt University PWS Clinic • Getting

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Happy Easter from PWCF

2022-08-30T15:36:33-08:00April 10th, 2020|

Celebrating Easter from home this year? PWCF wants you and your family to have a wonderful Easter no matter how you celebrate it. Check out our brand new Tips to Celebrate Easter Safely, by Lisa Graziano, MA., LMFT

Update on PWS & COVID-19

2022-08-30T15:36:38-08:00March 20th, 2020|

Updated March 16, 2021 PWCF is here to support your family’s heath and wellbeing during this challenging time. Because of the unique medical needs of persons with Prader-Willi Syndrome, we understand you may have specific questions about how to keep your loved ones and families safe. We are here to support you every step of the

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Be a Shining Star in 2019

2022-08-30T15:36:52-08:00November 26th, 2019|

PWCF Wishes Our Members, Professionals, and Supporters a Wonderful Holiday Season and a Happy New Year! Be a light to someone you love or support, or make a donation in their memory so that we can continue to create a Full Life Without Limits! Donate Today! PWCF's annual Shining Star campaign helps fund the important work we

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Two New PWS Behavior Management Training Conferences!

2022-08-30T15:37:04-08:00June 30th, 2019|

PWCF adds more dates and locations for the training seminar, PWS Behavior Management: Proven Strategies from Childhood thru Adulthood  September 8 in San Diego    |    September 15 in Millbrae/San Francisco PWS Behavior Management Conference The behavioral symptoms related to PWS require specific interventions and strategies. This seminar will teach you those strategies.

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Be a Shining Star in 2018

2022-08-30T15:37:31-08:00December 14th, 2018|

PWCF Wishes our Members, Professionals, and Supporters A Wonderful Holiday Season and a Happy New Year! Be a Shining Star this year to brighten the way to fulfill our mission; Support the 2018 Shining Star Campaign. Your tax-deductible gift means we can continue to provide: Parent Education Programs Professional Training Programs PWCF’s Camp Multidisciplinary PWS Clinics

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New Tools to Ensure Your Adult’s Safety!

2022-08-30T15:34:30-08:00December 11th, 2018|

New rules and regulations significantly affect adults with disabilities who receive Federal funding for residential services (group homes and supported living services), day programs, and vocational work sites. Arguably the most significant provision is that “individuals have freedom and support to control their schedules and activities and have access to food any time.” For persons with PWS this provision can

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New Tool To Help You Get School Services!

2022-08-30T15:34:35-08:00December 11th, 2018|

PWCF developed a new tool to help you get the supports and services your child needs to be safe and successful at school. Your IEP Team typically needs justification and documentation before it will provide the supports you're requesting, so PWCF developed a new Physician's Note Symptom & Treatment Checklist.  Completed by you and your child's physician, this

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