Become a Member
support PWCF.
Becoming a member of the Prader-Willi California Foundation is easy; submit your payment online or print the application below and mail it in with your payment.
Your membership dues contribute to the support and services the Prader-Willi California Foundation provides to individuals with Prader-Willi syndrome, their families, and the professionals who serve them.
No one will be denied membership because of inability to pay membership dues. If this applies to you, follow the Join offline process.

What Does PWCF Do for YOU?
PWCF serves over 850 active Family and Professional Members who live or work in every county of California, providing programming and services in five key areas: Education, Support, Advocacy, Awareness, and Research.
- We fund PWS Specialty Medical Clinics and maintain our Medical Crisis Line
- We provide professional training in the family home, at school sites, at residential facilities, at day programs, and in work environments
- We publish a monthly eNews, translate important documents into languages other than English, and distribute educational DVDs
- We produce or support public awareness raising events and maintain active social media sites
- We produce an Annual State Conference, Behavior Management Conference, IEP Empowerment Training, and other informative workshops
- We’ve funded PWS research and encourage participation in research throughout the country
- We hold Support Groups and help families connect with and learn from each other
- We provide critical phone support to both families and professionals
- We provide advocacy services to help families receive growth hormone therapy, Regional Center eligibility, aide support and other necessary services in the school setting, placement in an out-of-home residence, just to name a few
- Whatever the need, PWCF works hard to meet it
We Know There’s So Much More That Needs to be Done!
We need more PWS Clinics. We need more support programs. We need more PWS Camps and respite options. We need more educational workshops. We need more school advocacy and training. We need more residential and work options, and more staff training. We need more research. We need more crisis response options. We need more PWS specialist professionals. We need more legislative action. We need more public awareness!
Every Penny PWCF Receives Supports a Program or Service that Serves YOU.
For the past six years PWCF’s Board of Directors has made the commitment to provide families with essential supports and services, significantly reducing our savings to do so. We can’t continue to spend more than we take in but we don’t want to cut a single program or service. Your membership renewal and ongoing support are vital to our work.