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No matter the age of your loved one with PWS or your experience level, you will learn something new at a PWS behavior management training session.

Focus Sessions are a series of six 2-hour monthly webinars that provide in depth focus on all of the topics covered in an Overview Session. Attend the whole series or pick and choose your topic!

This live webinar series digs deep into understanding PWS behavior management strategies. Each of the six sessions in the series provides in-depth focus on specific symptoms and provides useful strategies and useful strategies and interventions for symptom management. Plenty of time for questions and role-play opportunities to enhance learning.

Registration includes handouts and video recordings. Purchase the Series or choose your individual Focus Session(s).

Focus Session #1: Food Security and Other Environmental Basics.

The session will focus upon what Food Security is, why it is critically important, how to create a Food Secure environment, how to manage food theft, and how to manage food-related tantrums. We will focus the other Environmental Basics and share how to implement them. We will also focus upon the importance of provider self-care and offer strategies for how to accomplish healthy self-care for the benefit of not only the care provider but for the benefit of the individual with PWS and everyone in the family. January 28 | 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. PST

Register here.

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