The first sentence of our mission statement is “Individuals with Prader-Willi syndrome should have the opportunity to pursue their hopes and dreams to the full extent of their talents and capabilities.” Part of what we do at PWCF to fulfill this mission is work closely with residential providers serving people who have PWS. We have a very active Residential Services Committee that regularly visits the residential facilities (group homes). These visits provide the owners and staff with the chance to ask the committee questions as we strive to ensure safe and appropriate living conditions. Emily Dame, M.Ed. is our Director of Education and Training and she is also part of the Residential Services Committee. Emily provides training to residential facilities, vocational programs and more. During regular visits to residential providers, the committee can take notes of things that should be included in training and also see the impact of past training. Over the last two months 9 residential facilities have been visited and 2 trainings have been conducted. The committee conducts visits throughout the year with the goal of visiting each facility at least once a year. Trainings are conducted as requested by the providers and offered at least annually. We’re happy to provide this service to our family and professional members and thankful to have good working relationships with so many providers throughout the state.