Shining Star 2022
November 4, 2022 - January 3, 2023
The Stars Are Out for the Holidays;
Lights, Camera, Action!
We are incredibly excited to amplify our PWCF community’s super stars this holiday season for our Shining Star campaign.
Honor your superstar with a star of their own on the PWCF Walk of Fame by making a donation today.
If we can be of any assistance to you and your family, please call or email us this holiday season.
Phone: (310) 372 – 5053
Email: info@pwcf.org
Make a tax-deductible donation here.
(Personalize the star with a photo, please text it to or email info@pwcf.org)
*Texts currently accepted in the form of iMessage only
Why is your donation so important?
Your donation helps fund the many resources and programs that we provide throughout the year.
These services include:
-24/7 Medical Crisis Line
– IEP Advocacy and School Team Training
– Regional Center Eligibility Support
– Virtual Activities for Individuals with PWS
– Quarterly Family Share and Support Groups
– Specialty Trainings (Nutrition/Financial Planning Training)
– In-Person Events (Walking for PWS, General Education Meeting)
– Behavior Management Trainings for Parents and Professionals
– And much more!