PWCF has a long history of helping out group homes in a variety of ways.  Earlier this year, Board Member Daniela Rubin, Ph.D. came up with the idea of a program to provide exercise equipment to group homes.  As a professor of Kinesiology at CSUF, Dr. Rubin knew that when universities update exercise equipment they have to do something with the old, perfectly good machines.  She proposed that we help coordinate donations from universities to nearby group homes.

With the help of Emily Dame, our Director of Training and Education, People’s Care in Temecula became the first group home to benefit from this new program; they received 3 pieces of equipment from CSUF.

Helping people stay physically fit is just one way we work toward our vision –  A Full Life Without Limits.


On behalf of People’s Care, thank you Emily and PWCF for the exercise equipment that we received, which our individuals will highly benefit from. Furthermore, thank you a lot for taking your valuable time and travel to our Prader-Willi Home on Tradewinds Drive yesterday to provide our staff and Administrator with Prader-Willi training. We truly appreciate your support.


Rigoberto Reyes


Good evening Emily! 

On behalf of People’s Care and our residents at the home on Tradewinds Street in Temecula, thank you so much and the Prader-Willi California Foundation for the exercise machines! The residents loved them! 

We can’t thank you enough and the PWS Foundation! Our residents send you much thanks and love! 

Have a fabulous evening!
